Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Miracle from Herbs: The Hidden Secret of Turmeric for Cancer Prevention

Cooking curry, you will always need turmeric. But if you do not like the taste of this Indian food, turmeric will be a spice that is not-so-popular to you -  until lately when the health benefits of this lowly peppery root from the Curcuma longa plant became the subject of many articles. Indeed, the health benefits are plenty such that turmeric is considered the healthiest food on Earth. 

Turmeric is a root crop and is smaller than ginger. Its skin is brown and the flesh is orange with bitter flavor with mild fragrance resembling ginger. You might then wonder if it belongs to the ginger family. You will find the powder form in the spice shelves of supermarkets. But when the health properties became divulged, you can find them in the vegetable section, marketed as organic fresh rhizome.   

The original and ancient health benefits were known to the Chinese and Indian medicine; these are potent anti-inflammatory medicines. It is a powerful anti-oxidant found to be a treatment to various conditions like jaundice, flatulence, menstrual disorders, toothache, colic and many more. It is also found to provide relief to rheumatoid arthritis and help to anyone suffering from cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer’s.

Since I am a cancer survivor (Stage 2–A breast cancer), my interest is on how this helps cancer-afflicted patients like me in the prevention of recurrence or metastasis of cancer cells. Since the turmeric, powder or root form, is used in different foods eaten by cancer patients, it may not pose harmful side-effects to them. 

Research on turmeric and cancer disclosed some information, not really scientifically proven. The anti-oxidant in the Curcumin content of turmeric can protect the good cells in the body from free radicals. Some epidemiological experiments showed the link between frequent ingestion of turmeric in any form and reduced risk to breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. Turmeric primarily prevents formation of tumors. In another study made by the University of Texas on mice, it was shown that Curcumin can prevent the spread of breast cancer, if already existing, to the lungs. And there were other studies on mice, as published in Biochemical Pharmacology as early as 2005 that showed the same effect.  The benefit from turmeric is not only for breast cancer patients. This also reduces risk to childhood leukemia, colon and prostate cancer.

For anyone who wants to consume turmeric, it would be easy. Try to love Indian foods where turmeric is a basic ingredient. But even if you don’t enjoy such foods, turmeric is good to use in different recipes as the taste blends well with rice, salads and vegetables. Furthermore, turmeric is loaded with other nutrients like iron, manganese, Vitamin B6, potassium, fiber and some amino acids. Turmeric, incidentally has been formulated as supplement. But I would still recommend the use of the natural powder, next to fresh organic rhizome. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Growing Celery At Home

Celery is one vegetable that is suitable for people who are conscious of their calorie intake. This plant is healthy food as it is a good source of minerals and vitamins sin calories. Yes, celery has zero or even negative calories. This is diuretic and is thus beneficial to people who are pre-hypertensive. This helps bring down the level of blood pressure.

Celery may be more difficult to grow than parsley, basil or other herbs. This is due to the long time it would require to be ready for harvest - about four months or 120 days. This is not easy to grow but supplying the plant’s requirements for thriving, it can flourish. It will need enough moisture for nourishment, controlled sunlight, right temperature and good soil (make it organic). This requires an abundant amount of nutrients in the soil because its small root system may be inadequate to siphon enough nutrients for its growth. To enrich the soil, mix compost and organic manure into the soil.

Planting celery starts with germination of the seed. This will be followed by transplanting, watering, fertilization and harvesting.

The seeds of the celery will be planted in the potting mixture. The seeds can only germinate in moist, warm and good soil. It takes about 2 ½ to 3 months for a strong seedling to come out from the seed. After planting, while waiting for the seed to germinate, the planter should be placed indoor. When the seedling has 3 or 4 leaves and also has stable roots, you can transplant the seedling outdoor.

Transplant the seedling outside in the garden or backyard. Be sure that the soil has sufficient nutrients to encourage the plant to grow healthy. Also, take notice of the distance between two seedlings. A full grown celery stalk can reach 1 ½ to 2 feet tall, topped with green leaves.

The plant needs lots of water to grow with healthy stalks. Growing with enough water will make the celery crisp, tender and taste better. You can also grow celery in pots and they can also thrive indoors.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bouquet Garni Enhances The Flavor Of Your Dish – How To Make The Fresh And Dried Versions

You do not have to be a seasoned Chef to come up with flavorful dishes. Neither do you need to study the ways of concocting gourmet foods. In many instances, the right choice of herbs to use with a dish can make a big difference in the taste and flavor. Using “bouquet garni” is one way of doing it.

“Bouquet Garni” – this is a bunch of herbs tied together. This is actually a French way of enhancing the flavor of stew or broth. This bouquet comprises of a collection of herbs. Different herbs are gathered, tied together into a bundle. You can also use cheesecloth, place the herbs inside then fold the small piece of cheesecloth into a sachet.

In making this “bouquet garni”, you can opt for the fresh or dried version. The difference is just on the kind of herbs used. At this point, you should bear in mind that your dried herbs are more potent so be careful in the amount used. Too much can ruin instead of enhancing the flavor.
Bouquet garni with fresh herbs

Gather your fresh herbs and make sure you snip them with long stems. The herbs are parsley, thyme and bay leaf. Wash the herbs until they are free of impurities and dust. The traditional bouquet garni consists of 3 sprigs of parsley, 2 sprigs of thyme and 1 of bay leaf. Tie the stems together with kitchen twine or any piece of clean crocheting thread. Leave with a long tail. You will use this tail to haul the bunch out of your cooking pot.

Bouquet garni with dried herbs

Get a piece of cheese cloth, just enough to wrap the herbs. On top of the cheesecloth, place 1 tablespoon of dried parsley, 1 teaspoon dried thyme and 1 dried bay leaf. Wrap these herbs in the cheesecloth then tie again with kitchen twine or clean crocheting thread. Once more, you have to leave a good length of tail which will be used to haul the sachet of bouquet garni from the pot.

Place the bouquet garni in your cooking pot hand boil your meat with this. The broth or stock will be very flavorful. Use either the fresh or dried version for your soups, stews, casseroles and other meat dishes.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Art Of Cooking With Fresh Herbs

Various herbs make a difference in the taste of cuisines. These herbs can be used fresh or dried. However, the dried herbs are more potent – have stronger taste so when using the dried variant, be sure to use it sparingly. If available, it is recommended that fresh herbs be used for your different recipes. You can even have your herb garden at the backyard – isn’t it great to have a bunch when you need them – picked from your well-tended pots of herbs?

Actually, there are no specified rules in cooking with herbs; your guide is your taste buds. Try to experiment - as you normally do with your dishes. When you use fresh herbs for any dish which has to be served cold, ensure that your fresh herbs are at room temperature before adding them – just picked from your pot, not chilled. Another tip on cold or refrigerated foods that include dips, dressings, vegetables and cheese, the fresh herbs are added several hours before their use. For salads, you can apply the French practice of using chopped fresh chervil, chives, parsley and tarragon. French chefs call this “fines herbes”. This can also add mild flavor to your scrambled eggs and other fish and poultry dishes.

In using two herbs for your dish, refrain from combining two strong herbs, your mix should be one of strong and one of mild flavor. You can mince your herbs, adding the mixture immediately after the dish is done cooking. Extended cooking can affect the flavor of the herbs – reduced so just add the herbs to your soups and stews later during the cooking period.

When you try to prepare dishes that will require long cooking to tenderize the meat, you can use a “bouquet garni” to add flavor to your dish. This is just a bunch of parsley, bay leaf and thyme tied together and place in the pot with the meat. You will find your dish flavorful and tender.

When no fresh herbs are readily available, you can substitute the fresh herbs with dried variants. The latter is more concentrated so again, do not overuse because instead of creating a great dish, you might end with one that is not edible. To guide you on the proportion, 2 to 4 teaspoons of fresh herbs will be equivalent to 1/4 teaspoon of powdered or ¾ teaspoon of crumbled dried herbs.

Cooking with herbs – this is adding flavor to simple dishes. Cook like a CHEF through the use of fresh herbs. To have a ready supply of these cooking ingredients, cultivate your pots of herbs at your backyard. Better still, create your herb garden.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Description And Taste Of 10 Varieties Of Basil

This is the link to my article on 10 varieties of herbs. Click on and find more information on the Royal Herb - Description And Taste Of 10 Varieties Of Basil

The Royal Herb - BASIL

Herbs are good ingredients in cooking and the most popular when it comes to culinary benefits is basil. There are many varieties of this herb (I mentioned 10 in one of my articles) but I would highy recommend the best herbal ingredient for your cooking is the sweet basil. If you are not familiar with the varieties, and will be trying for cooking for the first time - I tell YOU - find the sweet basil variety (these are common in veggie shelves in your favorite supermarket). These variety is also the best for pesto sauces ( Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Very YUMMY!!!)

Make Your Home-made Pesto Sauce - This is not hard work.

Turn your food prcessor (or blender) on and add a big clove of peeled garlic. Then add 1 cup of sweet basil leaves. When the leaves are minced, add 1 1/2 tablespoon of pine nuts (walnuts can be substituted in the absence of pine nuts), dash of salt, dash of pepper. Blend thoroughly. As you blend this, add 1/4 cup of olive oil little by little then lastly, add 1/4 cup of grated parmesan cheese. Continue processing until the desired consistencyis achieved. you may also add water if the sauce is too thick.

Friday, April 15, 2011

P.S. To Moringa Tree Benefits

This P.S. is more for the beauty - oh no! - handsome conscious. There is one big benefit for those whose hairline is already receding. You have 2 ways to grow your hair through the leaves of the Moringa tree.

Here is what you have to do with the leaves :

1. Pound in a mortar and pestle or place in a food processor or osterizer - Add a little water so that you can extract a good amount of juice. Apply the extract on the receding hairline or in any part that you wish more hair to grow.

2. Eat lots of the leaves. Add them to your porridge, stew, cereals or just boil them. There were stories that with too much indulgence in ingesting the moringa tree leaves, hair in the different parts of the body begin to thicken. (But with this method, you can not cntrol where the hair grows.)

If you try this ... let me know the result....... Happy eating !!!!

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